Salem Beverly Waterway Canal

UPDATE: As of March 2023, it’s unclear if the parking lot at the southeast tip of the canal is still accessible by car based on updates by Google maps users. Visitors may need to access this area via the High Street Canoe Launch or other Topsfield Linear Common access points.

Outdoor activities in Massachusetts can be a hit or miss in the summer as compared to drier climates out west due to the proliferation of greater numbers of insects, ticks and mosquitoes being the greatest nuisances. Sick of worrying during my outdoor treks after seeing yet another beware of ticks sign, I started seeking out locations with a bit of human curation that would drive large populations of these species away. Untamed grasses are areas ripe for insect activity, so one fantastic location you can visit without worrying too much about whipping out the bug spray is the Salem Beverly Waterway Canal. Due to the active usage of this waterway, grass and trails are carped away on each side of the canal to ensure maintenance access. The space is also open for public enjoyment.

Simple, clean canal

Another fantastic feature of the canal is the kayak access right near the parking lot. The water itself is very calm and a perfect location for beginner kayakers to try out their skills without worrying about underlying currents; for beginner kayakers on calm waters like this, I recommend the smaller 7-foot kayaks available from Pelican. They are not only cheaper than other kayaks but can even fit inside of some SUVs. Inflatable kayaks may also be a good option for those who don’t want to deal with a large plastic kayak and the water area is not too deep, active or wide, as is the case in the canal. This water calmness seems to stem from the mechanisms passing water from the natural Ipswich River into the canal itself. The one downside to this location over natural alternatives is the less interesting change in visuals and you wade down the canal. The system is very straight and somewhat monotonous until you reach the Ipswich River, at which point other challenges start to appear, such as shallow sand banks and dead ends. You will start to see fishing activity in this area as well so watch out for fishing wires!